The Arthurian Cycle

Hugh 'Merlin' Foster


The Team

1. Neville le Hamster Gros

His name acquired after a nasty run-in with an Enchanter in his youth, Neville has minor problems with short sight and a tendency to throw himself into danger. He also can't resist an excercise wheel and is thus rather thinner than many Bodyguard players.

2. Bors

Bombastic, rather over-confident and prone to underestimating his opponents,  Bors also dislikes weapons, especially swords, and will throw them into any body of water that presents itself. Nobody knows why. He's only given spoons to eat with. He manages to eat far to well with them, though it doesn't seem to slow him down.

3. Arthur

Brave, dashing and noble, Arthur leads his team with verve and élan.  His only weakness is an unaccountable fear of rabbits.

4. Pellinore

No-one's quite sure what Pellinore is King of, as he spends all his time at Camelot training with the team. His Queen is rumoured to be 'satisfied' with this arrangement as Pelly, amiable and merry as he may be, is not one of life's intellectual giants.

5&6. Gareth and Gaheris

The two Throwers are brothers, though Gareth had an unsuccessful early career as a pot-washer and only joined his brother in the team after a sad accident with a halfling unwilling to release his plate. Both disdain helmets for better aim and are thus the least well protected members of the team.

7. Lancelot

A charismatic ladies' knight from Brettonia, Lance has regular recourse to super-injunctions to quash rumours of a liaison between himself and Guinevere. Arthur regards him as his best friend, best player and beyond reproach. Lance is deeply angsty about his situation. Galahad refers to him as 'Emo'.

8. Galahad

Heralded as 'the pure' and 'the perfect knight', Galahad is the youngest of the team. While Elaine nurses an unrequited lust for him, Galahad is absolutely not interested. Still firmly in the garderobe, he in turn yearns for the entirely straight Lancelot. High tragedy indeed!

9. Guinevere

Arthur's Queen is by no means a typical noble lady. Dresses, balls and ballads interest her far less than mayhem, bloodshed, winnings, ale and Lancelot. She is confident Arthur is far too noble to notice what she has going on the side.

10. Elaine

Another feisty lady of the court, Elaine is hopelessly in love with Galahad and constantly convinced that she's on the edge of winning him into her bed, unaware that he doesn't dance that way. She will mercilessly foul any player who injures Galahad. If Galahad is ever killed, the design and material of his underwear may cause the ducat to drop. 

11. Mordred

Someone managed to convince Mordred that he's Arthur's bastard son, and despite the clear impossibility of this and everyone telling him it's rubbish he still believes it. This occasionally makes him furious that he's not acknowledged, at which point he stands on the field grinding his teeth. At others he will strive to 'prove himself' and crush the opposition. When the team uniforms were produced, he complained "All der ovvers 'ave got dem fevvers. I wants some fevvers too!" And a small cockade was added to his breastplate by Elaine. He's had a soft spot (somewhere near his left kidney) for her ever since.

Merlin (Coach)

A mysterious wizard who claims to live backwards through time,  and has been known to resolve difficult negotiations with a spell known as "Aboltrifle", Merlin sometimes despairs of forcing tactics into his clank-brained charges. A serious sports nut, he perseveres, hoping for the big break...


In the cadet section, hoping for their big break (or someone else's) are Bodyguards Palamedes, Turquine, Lamorak and Kay, Gawaine the Thrower, Linemen Bedivere and Iseult and Blitzer King Tristan.